
Letter from the Editor

Feb 15 • dfuse.in • 260 Views • 3 Comments

Dear readers,

It is still difficult for me to believe that dfuse.in has turned two today. I remember our first few articles – they were all based on love, keeping up with the mood of Valentine’s Day. Surprisingly, we had articles which spoke about this theme using topics as varied as affairs with literature, Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution, opinion polls about Valentine’s Day and more. What started off as a bi-weekly series of articles soon turned into something where getting content was easy but creating and retaining good content was tougher than we thought it would be.

Today, on behalf of everyone who has been a part of dfuse.in, I am proud to say that we have published a total number of 376 articles across varied categories. We have had 75 contributors on board till date and I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of them. Working with the core team at dfuse.in has taught me some of life’s most important lessons: it is important to give a writer as much thinking space as writing space. A writer’s thoughts are transformed into writing and if the editor encroaches upon these thoughts, it becomes difficult for the writer to get his or her point across. At dfuse.in, we value creative independence and allow writers to choose their own topics as long as they go with the site’s identity.

When a lot of writers write to me today, they don’t add a ‘Treat my article with care’ clause with every email. We trust each other and truly, some of the emails I get make my day. For example, see below:

Email received on 1st January, 2012 from Neha Joshi (Features head – Dscribe)

Lipu the Dipu,

It has taken me too long to write this. I wrote it, then re-wrote it and then re-re-wrote it. I’ve verified all the facts to the best of my abilities. If anything seems fishy, please feel free to sniff. I mean verify, duhh.
Temme what you think!

p.s. Also, did you know about econ-sext? Economic jargon with sexual undertones! I love inflation!

(The article attached with this email was ‘Banned!’. Read it here.)

Email received on 15th September, 2011 from Swathy Sethumadhavan (Features head – WTH)


Here are the pictures. Rohan Joshi is the fair, non-glassed guy. Amogh Randive is the non-fair, glassed guy

Sidd Coutto as himself.

(The photos with this email were used in ‘A Naight Phor Lauwers’. Read it here.)

Email received on 7th December, 2011 from Anurag Banerjee (Features head – In.Sight)

Please put this up soon. We are concentrating so much on music and movies that other stuff’s taking the back seat. I will be sending in the feature on my favourites on stage I told you about soon. I am also working on the other photographs for the other projects. I am also chasing a stinky mongrel. Bye.

(The feature which this email talks about is ‘A Walk Down Memory Lane’. See it here.)

Apart from such emails, a lot of writers have also told me to ‘call them maybe’, have sent in emails with subjects varying from ‘kthxbai’ to ‘yo yo article le lo’. Probably the site isn’t such a good platform for me to write a letter such as this but there is no better platform either. dfuse.in’s journey has been momentous – from getting angered when people termed it as a ‘personal blog’ to annoying people with incessant Facebook posts, today, we are proud of what we are. In two years, the site has grown (up) and so have we.

Here’s to an even better year!

Keep read.in, keep writ.in, keep dfuse.in,

Lipi Mehta


(Feb 2011-Feb 2013)


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  • Naomi Sarah

    We will miss you!

  • Apoorva Gavarraju

    This is the best ‘Letter from the Editor’ I have read! :’)

  • aniketdg

    I’ll miss you. Seriously.

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