

We are looking for interns. You get to work out of your homes (or wherever you live). You get a fixed number of things you must do for the internship to finish successfully
and we are even giving away some awesome goodies apart from the certificate of internship and letters of recommendation

The internship can be in the following disciplines:
1.Social Media 
2.Content Development & Creation
3.Content Curation
Duration: 6 Weeks to 12 Weeks

Update: We have limited openings and as of now we are just taking six interns. The last date for applying for the first phase of this internship is 15th October

Mail us at [email protected] with your name,age, location,why you’d want to intern with us and in which discipline.

We are being kind of selective and this is limited to a few interns at any given time.

It honestly doesn’t matter if you haven’t had any prior experience but prior experience does help in us understanding you and your skills- so tell us about anything you have done in the past.

Anything you think we’d be interested in. And no we weren’t ever interested in anyone’s CGPA/GPA/Degrees/Diplomas/TC/Ration card/Voter’sID and other such important things.

There are enough people who’ll ask you for them- we are asking you to make your application as interesting as possible.


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