6 minutes read

Womb, Chapter Five

Shifa’s love of experimental fiction and feminist theory have contributed to the conception of ‘Womb’, a serialized novel to be featured here once every two weeks week. Here’s chapter one, two, three and four. Reader discretion is…..

9 minutes read

Womb, Chapter Four

Shifa’s love of experimental fiction and feminist theory have contributed to the conception of ‘Womb’, a serialized novel to be featured here once every two weeks week. Here’s chapter one, two and three. Chapter Four: He…..

5 minutes read

Womb, Chapter Three

Shifa’s love of experimental fiction and feminist theory have contributed to the conception of ‘Womb’, a serialized novel to be featured here once every two weeks week. Here’s chapter one and chapter two. Chapter Three:…..

7 minutes read

Womb, Chapter Two

Shifa’s love of experimental fiction and feminist theory have contributed to the conception of ‘Womb’, a serialized novel to be featured here once every two weeks week. Here’s chapter one. Chapter…..

5 minutes read

Womb, Chapter One

Shifa’s love of experimental fiction and feminist theory have contributed to the conception of ‘Womb’, a serialized novel to be featured here once every two weeks week. Chapter One: K— sits up in…..