Project Footprints is done with its fourth week as of now and thus, this update has unfortunately been delayed but nevertheless,  AIESEC Chennai conducted the third week with utmost attention to detail and ensured that it was as big a success as the previous weeks. The two NGOs that were a part of the initiative in this week were V-Excel Education Trust and Little Angels Nursery and Primary School. Both these organizations strive to provide better educations facilities to various underprivileged children. Impressively, 15 volunteers, 17 interns and 250 children took part in the activities which were organized. Here’s how the week progressed:

Day 1: Cultural education

The children had a huge advantage here since they were amidst the company of interns from across the world. They were taught about the basic words spoken in various countries such as Ukraine, China, Portugal, Ireland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Moreover, they were even taught how to write these words in the respective languages.

Day 2: Free eye check-up at Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, Chennai

The kids were taken to the above-mentioned hospital and those diagnosed with ailments were treated for free as well. As trivia that you should know, this hospital is listed as a major eye centre of the world by the International Congress of Opthalmology.

Day 3: Health and hygiene

Various activities were conducted and action songs were taught to the children for making them realize the importance of health and hygiene. Sessions pertaining to oral hygiene were also conducted. At V-Excel Education, where some health-related activities were not applicable and where the children had difficulties expressing themselves in words, the interns organized various creative activities for them such as making them colour and draw on small pieces of paper and later making an entire Chinese dragon out of those pieces.

Day 4: Art and craft

The children had fun on the fourth day as they were introduced to the world of origami and taught how to make things like butterflies just by using paper and scissors. For the children of V-Excel Education, it was an entertaining day as well since they were audience to a choreographed dance done by the interns themselves apart from learning new songs and dances.

Day 5: Resource person visit

The children at V-Excel Education were fortunate to have amongst them, Mr. Manoj, a dancer par excellence. He conducted the dance workshop for the children as well as performed for them. After this session, the children, along with the interns and their teachers had an hour-long singing session. This was truly a heartening moment for the AIESECers which were present there.

Rahul Sreekumar, the Vice President of the Global Community Development Program of AIESEC Chennai, adds that this week was more about understanding the children rather than understanding their background or other difficulties faced by them. The team would like to thank both the NGOs for their support and encouragement. To conclude, with Balakalakaar less than 24 hours away, do look forward to more updates from our side. We wish all the best to AIESEC Chennai and their brilliant set of volunteers.


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