After the immense success of their mega event, Balakalakaar, AIESEC Chennai saw the completion of Project Footprints with the end of their fifth and last impact week. The two NGOs that took part in this week were Zamar Education Trust and Anjuman Himayate Islam. A total of 250 children were actively involved in the activities that close to ten interns (per NGO) had planned for them.  Zamar Educational Trust is one of AIESEC Chennai’s clients and they even won prizes in various events which were organized for Balakalakaar. Here’s how the week progressed:

Day 1: International exposure

AIESEC’s international interns shared their respective country’s culture with the children using various interactive games and quizzes. Winners of the quiz were awarded and in return, the children were asked to share facets of Indian culture with the interns. This led to a wholesome discussion as well as internal cultural exchange. It is great how the children are made to feel equally important. AIESEC strives to blur the line between these children and others from more financially stable families as much as they can.

Day 2: Free eye check-up at Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, Chennai

Following what was set up in the previous weeks; Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital provided a free eye-check up to the children. Prescriptions were given and free treatment was also offered. Being the last week, the efforts of this hospital also deserve immense mention. They were strong supporters of the entire initiative taken by AIESEC Chennai.

Day 3: Motivation, health and hygiene

AIESEC’s international interns used various action songs and presentations to talk about the importance of health and hygiene. Right from dental hygiene to taking care of one’s hair and skin, the children were engaged in a great learning experience. Motivational stories were also shared in order to increase their confidence and give them a positive outlook towards life.

Day 4: Art and craft

Activities such as origami fascinated the children thoroughly. On a more interesting note, they were asked to make paper planes and colour them in a way of showing their dreams and ambitions. As planes depicting doctors, army men and astronauts flew around the classroom, the interns knew that this day had been a huge success.

Day 5: Drawing competition and farewell

As the official last day of Project Footprints, the children took part in a drawing competition and the team from AIESEC Chennai danced their hearts out with them. This was one of the most emotional days of the entire project.

The last week was symbolically about bidding farewell. The interns knew that their efforts had succeeded and this project had come to a glorious end. AIESEC Chennai would like to thank everyone who supported their endeavours. On behalf of, I can only say that we were proud to be associated with such an initiative. We wish the entire organizing committee all the best for whatever they may choose to do in future.

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