Things are slightly dicey for Arvind Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party at the moment. After quitting the Delhi government after 49 days, and facing quite a bit of criticism for it, Kejriwal and Co. are now gearing up for the Lok Sabha elections. Meanwhile, they might as well make use of their jhadoos and clean up some of the filth around. Here’s a list of things that they could start off with.
1. Public urinals
Because of our inherently busy lifestyles, and also because half the Indian population lives on the road, a sizeable number of us pee on the road as well. However, all the public urinals are nauseating and have urine, dead rats, semen and “Rahul Laavs Sonia” scrawled on the wall. Under these difficult and trying circumstances, people are often forced to relieve themselves on the barks of trees, other people’s walls, and under occasional desperate circumstances, the mat kept outside houses. By not using the filthy loos and resorting to unsolicited locations to relieve their stress, offendors often become the victims of environmentalists, failed social activists, and G4S Security guards. Hence, we’d request Kejriwal and the jhadoo armed AAP to clean up the public urinals in India, so that every citizen can one day dream of urinating in peace.
2. Indian Railways
Anyone who has travelled in the Indian Railways will tell you that it’s not particularly a hygienic experience. Starting from cockroach infested beds to paan stains on your pillow case, the Indian Railways has it all. Things get particularly unpleasant in case you have to visit the washroom, and find it clogged. However, regular travellers always carry their Imodium to ensure no such situation arises. High time Kejriwal Uncle steps in!
3. Taj Mahal
So much hullaballoo has happened over the Taj Mahal gathering dust and dirt, and the white marble turning yellow as a result. But very little has been done about it. They stopped some rock concerts from happening near the Taj and blocked entries of vehicles to save the monument from the fumes, but the walls haven’t been turned white yet. We’d suggest that AAP takes this on for the greater good of the nation; otherwise Mukesh Ambani will soon ask Antilia to replace it as one of the Seven Wonders.
4. Godmen
Millions of fools in India are led astray by men in costumed pretending to be divine agents of God. They convince their disciples to make huge donations and then give appalling advice like committing female infanticide, honour killings, sexual favours, etc. The only way of fixing these people and cleaning up this racket is by thrashing them with jhadoos in broad daylight! And who better to do it than the AAP and its jhadoo brigade. Led by Somnath Bharati, of course! To voice our support, dfuse.in promises to send a crew to capture this on Wedyo when it does happen.
If you have things and places in India that you’d like the Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party to clean up, let us know in the Comments section, and we’ll sign a petition together and send it along!