iPakistan is an initiative started by students and young professionals to change the stereotypical image that the world has about the country. The students emphasize on the fact that they want their country to be seen in a completely different light. And yes, it is really not okay when another student asks you if your family is involved with the Taliban. Believe it or not, this has happened in reality with a member of the iPakistan team.
Pakistan today has almost become synonymous to terrorism. After four wars more than 60 years of independence, the ice between India and Pakistan has still not completely thawed. Therefore, Romancing the Border is an initiative under iPakistan which has been spearheaded by a group of students from the Hong Kong University. While surfing the internet, these students found out that the most dangerous border of the world is the India-Pakistan border and that made them question where the two countries stand today.
We sincerely hope that you will join this cause and help these students raise awareness about the issue.
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