An eccentric Vasu Dixit with his band Swarathma stole the show with their animated performance that got the crowd in high spirits at The High Spirits Cafe, Pune! Symbiosis Institute of Media…..
After the immense success of their mega event, Balakalakaar, AIESEC Chennai saw the completion of Project Footprints with the end of their fifth and last impact week. The two NGOs…..
Note: The content for this article has been syndicated directly from the organizing committee of Project Footprints. We would also like to thank AIESEC Chennai and all its members for…..
The fourth week of Project Footprints brought AIESEC Chennai closer to the successful completion of their initiative. The two NGOs involved were Home for Poor Boys and Violet Matric Hr……
Project Footprints is done with its fourth week as of now and thus, this update has unfortunately been delayed but nevertheless, AIESEC Chennai conducted the third week with utmost attention…..
As AIESEC Chennai ushered in the second week of their five-week-long project, they had a lot of new learning experiences and we are happy to say the second week was successfully…..