In a country obsessed with big stars and inane narratives, here’s a film that is trying to break away. And break away it does with an incredible amount of panache. I can use numerous jargons like ‘indie’, ‘mumblecore’, ‘versova indie’ (and I think I did in my video review) but what does this film actually reek of? Honesty would be the right answer. This is an honest low budget film made with a huge heart by some fantastically talented people.
The film chronicles the lives of two struggling film writers; Mainak (Mayank) and Dulal (Naveen). Though polar opposites in terms of characteristics, the camaraderie between the two makes this a beautiful slacker buddy movie. The seedy sometimes seriously shady side of Bollywood is explored through the eyes of these two. I wouldn’t go into the details of the plot simply because it needs to be experienced.
The movie isn’t even a tad bit pretentious. The language may sound crass to some but then again people do talk like that in real life. The script is well written and is laced with some of the best lines you’ll hear in an Indian movie this year.
The performances are top notch; Naveen Kasturia, Mayank Tewari, Aditi Vasudev are brilliant. You don’t feel even for a bit that Naveen and Mayank are non-actors. And did I mention that Mayank is incredibly funny?
The film is skilfully directed, making use of some very intimate cinematography and subtle sound design. The lack of a big budget sometimes nurtures a film and the end result is beautiful. Just wish they had subtitles!
This is like a breath of fresh air when compared to our mainstream films and yet it is so relatable. Sulemani Keeda is a light hearted fun film rooted in reality and you should definitely watch it.
Moo Rating
It's funny as fuck - 4
Mayank, Naveen & Aditi - 3.5
The film's honesty - 3
Sulemani Keeda is a light hearted fun film rooted in reality and you should definitely watch it.