I am generally very skeptical of rom-coms and yet I love watching ‘em. So on a rather cold lonely Bangalore night I ended up watching What If and here’s what I thought about it.
The idea behind the film (friends or lovers?) isn’t all that fresh; it’s the chemistry between it’s lead pair that makes this worth watching. The film is skilfully written and is a welcome change to the Nicholas Sparks’s genre of romantic films that have made it difficult for white people in love just about everywhere.
Oh and I’ll try and do a few video reviews in addition the written ones – it’s all about time and turning around videos with a team as small as ours is a tad bit tedious, so we’ll mostly be picking up films that you can watch on DVD or procure from you know where. And once in a while we’ll do video reviews for the big films- like Interstellar next week.
Moo rating
The witty script - 4
Adam Driver's Screen Presence - 3
Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan's chemisry - 3.5
Not all that fresh, watch it for the witty script and the chemistry between Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan. Actually watch it for Adam Driver